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Inland silverside (Menidia beryllina), 7-day Chronic, daily renewal, SSW

规格:Proficiency Testing Material
包装规格:1 EA
30995601 EA1430
Quality Level【质量水平】
ampule of 14 × 2 mL
in water
matrix material
General description【一般描述】
This Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) proficiency testing sample is produced in accordance with ISO/IEC 17043:2010. This sample is manufactured according to TNI requirements. However, please note, this sample may include non-TNI analytes as well.

In chronic WET tests, inland silverside, Menidia beryllina, is employed as a test organism to measure its ability to grow, develop and reproduce when exposed to wastewater effluents. This method of determination is used to estimate the effluent′s toxicity levels in aquatic/freshwater environments.

Supelco® is a global proficiency testing (PT) provider that manufactures best-in-class environmental and pharmaceutical PT products. Most water PT samples are available as concentrates or ready-to-use volumes giving the end-user flexibility in selecting samples that will fit their exact needs. Our PT program is designed to meet the quality assurance requirements in compliance with Discharge Monitoring Report - Quality Assurance Program (DMR-QA), thereby ensuring the analytical competence of your laboratory.

Analyte/s: Values of analytes vary lot to lot.

All information regarding the use of Inland silverside (Menidia beryllina), 7-day Chronic, daily renewal, SSW proficiency testing standard can be found in the reporting packet which will be available to download at PT Portal.
Inland silverside (Menidia beryllina), 7-day Chronic, daily renewal, SSW proficiency testing material is designed for use in Chronic Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) proficiency testing.

Have any questions? Explore our FAQs.
For more information on this product, please contact our PT Service Team.
Inland silverside (Menidia beryllina) may be used as one of the test organisms to determine the level of toxicity in life stages of native gulf of Mexico species.
Features and Benefits【特点和优势】
We have a vast portfolio of environmental PT schemes with "fit-for-purpose" samples to help you meet the needs of the laboratory.

Our proficiency testing (PT) program is a benchmark to:

  • provide staff with an insight into their laboratory′s performance, to verify the accuracy and reliability of their testing process
  • provide a comparison of performance with that of other laboratories, nationally and internationally
  • test and educate staff, provide a better understanding of the impact of incorrect results and identify areas where there may be problems
  • provide an independent evaluation of laboratory performance
  • demonstrate to clients, colleagues and accreditation bodies that there is a commitment to quality

Preparation Note【制备说明】

  • The effluent is provided as a concentrate for dilution in synthetic seawater.
  • This concentrate is an EPA-specified toxicant in reagent-grade DI water.
  • Enough material has been provided to run the method at least twice. If you require more toxicant, please contact ptservice@milliporesigma.com. An ampule is provided for making fresh effluents for each day of the test.
  • Do not deviate from the supplied instructions or EPA Method 1006.0. Contact ptservice@milliporesigma.com before running the test if you see the need to deviate from the test conditions.
  • Deviations may affect your final evaluation.

Preparation Instructions

  • To prepare 6 L of effluent, add 5900 mL of synthetic seawater to a volumetric flask.
  • Preparation instructions for synthetic seawater can be found in the EPA document EPA-821-R-02-014, page 26.
  • Transfer the entire contents of one ampule to the flask.
  • Rinse the ampule with synthetic seawater and transfer to the volumetric flask. Bring flask to 6 L volume with synthetic seawater.
  • This represents 6 L of effluent water for the test.

Required Test Conditions

  • Test Type: Static renewal
  • Test duration: 7 days
  • Temperature: 25 ºC ±1 ºC. The test must not deviate by more than 3 ºC during the test.
  • Renewal of Test solutions: Daily
  • Dilution water: Synthetic seawater

Test Conditions

  • Light quality: Ambient laboratory illumination (recommended)
  • Light intensity: 10-20 μE/m2/s (50-100 ft-c.) (ambient laboratory levels) (recommended)
  • Photoperiod: 16 h light, 8 h darkness (recommended)
  • Test chamber: 600-1000 mL glass beakers (recommended)
  • Test solution volume: 500-750 mL per replicate (recommended minimum)
  • Age of test organisms: 7-11 days post hatch; less than or equal to 24-h range in age (required)
  • No. of organisms per test chamber: 10 (required minimum)
  • No. of replicate chambers per concentration: 4 (required minimum)
  • No. of larvae per concentration: 40 (required minimum)
  • Source of food: Newly hatched Artemia nauplii (less than 24 h old) (required)
  • Feeding regime: Feed 0.10 g wet weight Artemia nauplii per replicate on days 0-2; Feed 0.15g wet weight Artemia nauplii per replicate on days 3-6 (recommended)
  • Cleaning: Siphon daily, immediately before test solution renewal and feeding (required)
  • Aeration: None unless DO falls below 4.0 mg/L, then aerate all chambers. Rage should be less than 100 bubbles/min (recommended)
  • Endpoints: Survival and growth (required); and egg development (recommended)
  • Test acceptability criteria: 80% or greater survival in controls, 0.50 mg average dry weight of control larvae where test starts with 7-days old larvae and dried immediately after test termination, or 0.43 mg or greater average dry weight per surviving control larvae, preserved not more than 7 days in 4% formalin or 70% ethanol.
Other Notes【其他说明】
Are you new to Supelco® Proficiency Testing? Be sure to register your account details in the PT Portal before placing your order.
This will provide access to data entry, reporting packets and final reports. Registrations will be approved shortly after your order is placed. For further questions, write to us at ptservice@milliporesigma.com.

When placing your order online, please indicate your study preference under the ′your reference′ column. Available studies can be viewed at the bottom of the page.
Click here to learn more about Quick-Turn Studies (on-demand proficiency tests that are offered depending on lot availability). The Quick-Turn results are released within 48-72 hours whereas scheduled study reports are released within 21 days.

Proficiency testing samples are presented as single blind. No values for the samples are released until the testing period concludes.

Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) tests are designed to predict the impact and toxicity of effluents discharges.

Proficiency Testing Schedule (2021-2022)

DMR-QA (US customers only)
DMR-QA 41 March 19 - July 5, 2021

DMR-QA 42 2022 Dates TBD
Legal Information【法律信息】
Supelco is a registered trademark of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany
Storage and Stability【储存及稳定性】
  • Please refer to sample label for expiration date, specific storage temperature, and specific storage conditions.
  • If storage conditions are not provided on the label, it is intended for room temperature storage.
Storage Class Code【储存分类代码】
12 - Non Combustible Liquids
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