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Anti-Cofilin antibody produced in rabbit

规格:IgG fraction of antiserum, buffered aqueous solution
包装规格:0.2 ML
33544420.2 ML4330
MDL number
General description【一般描述】
Cofilin is a small phosphoinositide-sensitive actin-binding protein capable of depolymerizing actin-filaments in vitro. In mammals it has two isoforms: non-muscle (NM-CF, CF-L1) and muscle (M-CF, CF-L2). The protein is ubiquitiously present in tissues of eukaryotes and is especially abundant in neuronal tissues. It can shuttle between the cytoplasm and the nucleus in response to various stresses or signals, and may translocate from the cytoplasm to the plasma membrane in various cells.
Cofilin is a member of the actin depolymerizing factor/cofilin family. Among all members, cofilin-1 is the predominant isoform. It is located on human chromosome 11q13.
Reacts with muscle and non-muscle cofilin.
Synthetic peptide corresponding to human cofilin sequence, with N-terminal cysteine added, conjugated to KLH. The corresponding sequence is identical in pig and rat non-muscle cofilin and differs by three amino acids from that of human and chicken muscle cofilin.
Anti-Cofilin antibody has been used:
  • for immunostaining of chick neurons. It is used as a primary antibody
  • for western blotting of protein isolated from mouse hippocampi cells, rat brain samples, human acute lymphoblastic T-cell line, human brain samples, head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cell line, HEK293T cells and renal epithelial cell lines
  • for immunofluorescence studies in tissue samples from human brain
Biochem/physiol Actions【生化/生理作用】
Cofilin binds stoichiometrically to monomeric G-actin and actin protomers. Cofilin intercalates between longitudinally associated actin monomers within the filament. Under specific conditions, It cleaves the filaments and accelerates actin subunits dissociation from their ‘pointed′ ends. It is essential for viability and vital for many cellular processes involving actin remodeling, such as motility at the leading edge of cells, polarized cell growth, endocytosis, phagocytosis, cellular activation, cytokinesis etc. Cofilin activity is regulated through reversible phosphorylation and dephosphorylation. In phosphorylated form, it is inactive and unable to bond with actin. Phosphorylation of cofilin is regulated by at least four protein kinases: LIM Kinase-1, LIM Kinase-2, Testicular Kinase-1, and Testicular Kinase-2. S-nitrosylation of cofilin is involved in vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-stimulated endothelial cytoskeleton remodeling and migration. Over-expression of cofilin suppresses growth and invasion of non-small cell lung cancer. Dysregulation of cofilin is associated with neurodegeneration.
Physical form【外形】
0.01M 磷酸缓冲盐溶液,pH 7.4,含 15mM 叠氮化钠。
biological source【生物来源】
Quality Level【质量水平】
antibody form【抗体形式】
IgG fraction of antiserum
antibody product type
primary antibodies
buffered aqueous solution
mol wt【分子量】
antigen ~19 kDa
species reactivity
canine, rat, human, mouse
indirect immunofluorescence: 1:1,000 using using mouse NIH/3T3 fibroblasts
microarray: suitable
western blot: 1:10,000 using using whole extracts of human A-431, rat PC-12, mouse NIH/3T3, and dog MDCK kidney cells
UniProt accession no.【UniProt登记号】
shipped in【运输】
dry ice
storage temp.【储存温度】
Gene Information
human ... CFL1(1072), CFL2(1073)
mouse ... Cfl1(12631), Cfl2(12632)
rat ... Cfl1(29271), Cfl2(366624)
Storage and Stability【储存及稳定性】
For continuous use, store at 2-8 ℃ for up to one month. For prolonged storage, freeze in working aliquots at -20 ℃. Repeated freezing and thawing, or storage in frost-free freezers, is not recommended. If slight turbidity occurs upon prolonged storage, clarify the solution by centrifugation before use. Working dilutions should be discarded if not used within 12 hours.
Unless otherwise stated in our catalog or other company documentation accompanying the product(s), our products are intended for research use only and are not to be used for any other purpose, which includes but is not limited to, unauthorized commercial uses, in vitro diagnostic uses, ex vivo or in vivo therapeutic uses or any type of consumption or application to humans or animals.
Storage Class Code【储存分类代码】
12 - Non Combustible Liquids
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