您的位置:首页 > 产品中心 > 不锈钢圆筒, 200ml, 单立式阀杆, 电解抛光, 填充口, PCTFE阀杆尖, DOT 4B, UN冲压
不锈钢圆筒, 200ml, 单立式阀杆, 电解抛光, 填充口, PCTFE阀杆尖, DOT 4B, UN冲压
Stainless steel cylinder, 200ml, single vertical stem, electropolished with fill-port, PCTFE valve stem tip, DOT 4B
不锈钢圆筒, 200ml, 单立式阀杆, 电解抛光, 填充口, PCTFE阀杆尖, DOT 4B, UN冲压
Stainless steel cylinder, 200ml, single vertical stem, electropolished with fill-port, PCTFE valve stem tip, DOT 4B