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规格:16022519, from human breast
包装规格:1 VIAL
40626261 VIAL10560
biological source【生物来源】
human breast
growth mode【生长模式】
cell culture | mammalian: suitable
shipped in【运输】
dry ice
storage temp.【储存温度】
General description【一般描述】
This breast cancer cell is oestrogen receptor positive and line resistant to the aromatase inhibitor anastrozole .
Cell Line Description【细胞系描述】
The MCF7/AnaR-4 cell Line was developed as a model of resistance to anti-cancer treatment with aromatase inhibitors. This breast cancer cell line resistant to the aromatase inhibitor anastrozole and is oestrogen receptor positive.
Derivation: Anastrozole-resistant cell lines were established from MCF7 cells grown in medium with 10% newborn calf serum (NCS) and 10-7 Molar testosterone. A culture of MCF7 cells were treated with 10-7 Molar anastrozole for one week, trypsinized and seeded in serial dilutions in 24-well plates. Single colonies were transferred to new wells and gradually expanded in medium with anastrozole. After ~2–3 months, the isolated colonies gave rise to anastrozole-resistant cell lines, which could be grown in anastrozole-containing medium with a weekly split ratio of ~1:25. The MCF7 cell line was authenticated in January 2014 by DNA profiling using short tandem repeat loci and found to be matching the genetic profile reported for the MCF7 cell line.
Culture Medium【培养基】
Phenol red free DMEM:F12 (1:1) (D6434) + 10% Newborn Calf Serum(NBCS) (N4637) + 2.5 mM Ala-Gln (G8541) + 6 ng/ ml Insulin (I9278), 0.1 uM testosterone and 0.1 uM anastrozole
Subculture Routine【传代培养常规】
Split sub-confluent cultures (70-80%). The MCF-7/AnaR-2 cell Line is sub-cultured once a week with a split ratio of approximately 1:25 and growth medium changed every second or third day. New culture are seeded at 2-4 x 10,000 cells/cm² using 0.25% trypsin or trypsin or 0.05%trypsin/EDTA solution; 5% CO2; 37℃. Recommend media changes every 2-3 days
Other Notes【其他说明】
Cultures from PHE Culture Collections and supplied by Sigma are for research purposes only. Enquiries regarding the commercial use of a cell line are referred to the depositor of the cell line. Some cell lines have additional special release conditions such as the requirement for a material transfer agreement to be completed by the potential recipient prior to the supply of the cell line. Please view the Terms & Conditions of Supply for more information.
If use of this culture results in a scientific publication, it should be cited in the publication as: MCF7/AnaR-4 (ECACC 16022519)
This cell line has special release conditions: Commercial organisations are required to complete the ′Cell Line Release Authorisation for Research Use in Commercial Organisations′ release conditions form.
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